
The Mews - Muse Martian News

Reporting on Martian News with a UK slant, the Mars Society UK, and other interesting news from around the World.

Airbus LOOP and Super-heavies

LOOP is a new space station concept from Airbus. It is designed to be multi-purpose so could be used in orbit around the Earth or the Moon, or even on long-term journeys to Mars.

It has an eight meter diameter and three floors, meaning it will fit perfectly in one of the super-heavy launch vehicles such as SpaceX’s Super-Heavy (which just had its first successful test launch this week – congratulations!). It would launch in its complete form, so as soon as it is in space it is capable of supporting astronauts.


The upcoming and the previous CHASM workshops

It is now only two weeks to the next CHASM workshop, but there’s still time to buy tickets. It takes place with Astrolands, an analogue habitat in Northern Spain situated deep in a cave system! Check it out:

But this post is about a visit to the analogue habitat during the previous CHASM workshop, LunAres in Poland. (You can also learn more about the workshop part here).


Rolls Royce teasers its space generator

The well known British company Rolls Royce started studying nuclear power specifically for space exploration in 2021. It has just recently tweeted a teaser of a its new micro-reactor.


Happy New (Mars and Earth) year!

Earth and Mars Orbit

It’s the year 2023 on Earth (by the Gregorian calendar). And it’s the year 37 on Mars (by a NASA calendar). Earth’s New year will start on the 1st of January, the new Martian year started on the 26th of December.

How is that possible?


Scrapped UK-built Mars rover back on track

Good news! The UK Built rover “Rosalind Franklin” will go to Mars! It was to ride on a Russian rocket back in September, but when that was cancelled everyone thought the rover when never get of the ground.


First CHASM workshop complete success

The first CHASM workshop finished on the 16th October and was a very successful workshop. It took place alongside the Polish analogue habitat LunAres.


The CHASM Workshop – just three weeks away!

The CHASM workshop is fast approaching, but it you’re quick you can still meet us in Poland!

The dedicated event page has been updated with all the latest details including the program and travel advice. It takes place on the 15th and 16th of October in Poland. But you can also meet online too.

The workshop is dedicated to improving analogue space missions around the world. This first one is aimed at analog astronauts or an analog mission organisers so isn’t for everyone. This time.


The Passing of the Queen

The Queen has passed and our thoughts go out to the Royal Family and all those mourning her loss.

Her Majesty has been the head of the United Kingdom longer than the space age, becoming Queen seven years before the first satellite “Sputnik” was launched in 1959.


Perseverance Produces Oxygen on Mars

The Perseverance Rover carries a device called MOXIE which can generate oxygen. Since the rover’s touchdown on Mars this device has been periodically generating oxygen in many different conditions on Mars.

This is exciting news when it comes to putting people on Mars. This means the oxygen they need could be generated at their landing point before they’ve even left. They’ll need oxygen to breath, but it’s also essential for fuelling any rocket that would get them back to Earth.


Martian Habitat in Bristol

A Martian habitat is popping up in the centre of Bristol, UK.

The artists Ella Good and Nicki Kent spent seven years achieved their goal of building a Martian Habitat. And it’s one you can go and visit.


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CHASM 2024 Conference

14th-15th September, Switzerland.

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