
Data Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Mars Society UK (MSUK) is required to have a policy on why individuals’ personal information is collected, how it is used and stored. The purpose of this policy is to comply with the Data Protection Acts and Regulations.

2. On what legal basis and why do we collect your personal information?

MSUK collects and processes personal information on the basis of ‘Legitimate Interests’ for the following purposes:-

  • To record a list of members of MSUK
  • To circulate information regarding MSUK events
  • To circulate notices and other relevant information likely to be of interest
  • To manage the affairs of MSUK efficiently in accordance with its constitution

3. What information do we hold?

  • Individuals’ names, postal and/or email addresses and/or telephone numbers.

4. Who uses this data?

  • MSUK Committee members
  • The Data Controller is the MSUK President 
  • The Data Processors are MSUK Committee members

5. Where is this information stored?

Records are held securely by the Secretary.  

6. Types of data

Electronic and paper records with individuals’ contact details; emails & correspondence

7. Privacy of information

All personal data will be kept private and confidential and will only be shared with other officers of MSUK for purposes connected with MSUK.  It will not be shared with or sold to any other organisation or third party.  All reasonable security measures will be applied to stored files.

8. Retention of Personal Information

  • Members’ personal information will be stored as long as they are members.
  • If a member leaves MSUK this information will be destroyed following an annual review of membership records. 
  • Data can also be removed if requested by a member.
  • No information will be held longer than is necessary.

9. Rights of individuals

The Data Protection Acts include the following rights for individuals:

  • the right of access;
  • the right to rectification;
  • the right to erasure;
  • the right to restrict processing.

The Group works in accordance with the relevant rights in the Act. Please contact the Secretary if you want us to remove your data from our records. Likewise if you want to know what data is held for you.

10. Contact

Contact MSUK at:


(post) President, Cygnus House, Burcot, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, OX14 3DP

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For more information about ‘Legitimate Interests’ as a basis for holding and processing personal data see the Information Commissioner’s Office website page and enter Legitimate Interests in the searchbox.

This Policy will develop when legislation and other circumstances change. The Policy will be reviewed every 2 years. A copy can be obtained from the contacts shown above.

Version:  13 December 2020.

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