
First CHASM workshop complete success

The first CHASM workshop finished on the 16th October and was a very successful workshop. It took place alongside the Polish analogue habitat LunAres.

It was attended by analogue astronauts representing many different bases, in many different countries around the world, both in person, and online. An additional treat was a personal tour of LunAres, and the opportunity to talk to analogue astronauts who had just completed a two week mission.

The workshop was designed to explore three main topics in Analogue habitats:

  • The habitat
  • Life support systems and human factors
  • Experiments conducted in habitats

Attendees were divided up into four groups, one of which took place online, and each topic discussed over a three hour period. The majority of attendees had either completed a mission at a analogue base, or had set up and run a base of their own – so the conversation was informed, livery and varied. Detailed results will be released soon once they are collated!

The hotel was comfortable, and the town of Piła was a pleasant town with some great restaurants. But the standout highlight was the visit to LunAres – but more about that in a future post!

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