
Scrapped UK-built Mars rover back on track

Good news! The UK Built rover “Rosalind Franklin” will go to Mars! It was to ride on a Russian rocket back in September, but when that was cancelled everyone thought the rover when never get of the ground.

The War in Ukraine didn’t only stop the launch, it also meant the landing system would have to be redesigned as the original was going to Russian built too. ESA will developed a new capsule to protect the rover as it quickly slows in the Martian atmosphere. And also a rocket and parachute system that will control the last part of its landing.

The launch will likely be done by NASA, and they may also replace other Russian parts created for the Rover.

When on Mars the rover will look for signs of life by drilling several meters into the ground. Life should be well protected that deep underground, and perhaps have access to water.

Front view of the ExoMars rover

The new launch is scheduled for 2028, so it will mean a long delay. It’ll hopefully touchdown on Mars in 2030.




  • Front view of the ExoMars rover –

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