14th-15th September 2024 – CHASM Conference
Rolex Learning Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland

The next CHASM conference will be taking place in Lausanne, Switzerland on the 14th September to the 15th.
Past events
7th May, 2024 – An evening with Michael Foale
The Aylesbury Vale Academy, Paradise Orchard, Aylesbury, UK
“An Evening with Michael Foale” is coming to Aylesbury, UK. Hear from British-American NASA astronaut, Michael Foale.
18 January 2024 – HOW TO EXPLORE MARS
BIS HQ London and Online

A panel discussion centred on how best to explore Mars – Dr Robert Zubrin and Lord Martin Rees will discuss the opportunities and challenges for how humanity should explore the planet Mars, contrasting robotic and human exploration.
24th-25 February 2023 – CHASM Workshop Two
Astroland Agency, Spain and online

This Astroland + CHASM event is the second in a series of workshops taking place in analogue space missions bases, with purpose to improve them.
15th-16th October 2022 – CHASM Workshop
LunAres Mobile Research Station, Poland and online

This LunAres + CHASM event is the first in a series of workshops taking place in analogue space missions bases, with purpose to improve them.
2nd-3rd April 2022 – CHASM Launch
University of Cambridge, Cambridge

The inaugural CHASM conference. The Conference on Human Analogue Space Missions (CHASM).
2020-2021 – Locked Down
The Mars Society UK sadly had to take a break from in person talks during the pandemic. But we are always available online.
4th-6th November 2019 – European Mars Conference
Institute of Physics, London

The yearly European Mars Conference (EMC) were all the Mars Societies from around Europe come together. At the Institute of Physics in London, 4th – 6th November 2019.
1st November 2019 – SIRIUS19 Lunar Mission Specialist talk
Worcester College, Oxford University, Oxford

16th-17th March 2019 – Mars Colony Prize Hackathon (Mars Society London)
British Interplanetary Society, London

Join us for our second major event, encouraging and supporting you to develop designs for a Mars habitat/colony. We want to encourage submissions to the international Mars Society’s contest, with potential for winning one of the prizes if you submit to the contest.
25th January 2019 – Mars Society UK Inaugural Event
Worcester College, Oxford University, Oxford
In collaboration with AerOx, the inaugural Mars Society UK event Relaunch is being held in Oxford on 25 January 2019.
Join us at the Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre at Worcester College, Oxford for an evening of talks, workshops and drinks themed around the opportunities getting humans on Mars will bring.